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Social Security Administration’s Schedule of Benefit Payments for 2024

  • May 02, 2024

Normally, SSI payments occur once a month, on the first weekday of the month. However, there are several months in which two SSI payments will be made. Per the Social Security Administration’s Schedule of Benefit Payments for 2024, SSI payments will be made on the following days: May 1 and May 31 (2 payments); NO payment in June; July 1; August 1 and 30 (2 payments); NO payment in September; October 1; November 1 and 29 (2 payments); NO payment in December. SSI recipients who will receive 2 payments in May, August, and November should take steps to ensure that the second SSI payment in those months does not push them over the $2,OOO resource limit the following month.

The Schedule can be found at https://www.ssa.gov/pubs/EN-05-10031-2024.pdf.


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