Falcon Law Group will be closed on Fridays, starting July 5 through August 30.

State Services

  • Feb 06, 2022

Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD): Provides opportunity for individuals with developmental disabilities, age 21 and older, to receive quality services and supports, participate meaningfully in their communities, and exercise their right to make choices. Services include home and community-based programs, supported employment, and housing assistance. Individuals access these services through one of two Medicaid waiver programs: Community Care Program or Supports Program. For more information, visit www.nj.gov/humanservices/ddd/

Children’s System of Care (CSOC): Serves children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral health care challenges and their families; children with developmental and intellectual disabilities and their families; and children with substance use challenges and their families. CSOC is committed to providing services based on the needs of the child and family in a family-centered, community-based environment. For more information, visit https://www.nj.gov/dcf/

PerformCare NJ: Contracted system administrator for NJ Children’s System of Care (CSOC) to connects young people under age 18 and their families statewide to services for behavioral health, intellectual/developmental disability (services up to age 21), or substance use treatment services. Through the CSOC, PerformCare administers the publicly funded developmental disability service delivery system for children and youth up to age 21. PerformCare is also the single point of access to behavioral health and substance use treatment services for New Jersey youth up to the age of 21. Services include Family Support Services (FSS) which provide caregiver relief (Respite); assistive technology; home and vehicle modifications; assistance with summer camp during summer breaks from school; connection with local Care Management Organizations (CMOs); and Out of Home (OOH) services and supports. To contact PerformCare: Toll-free: 1-877-652-7624 (24/7 access) or visit www.performcarenj.org

Hours of Operation: 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week
Address: 300 Horizon Drive Suite 306, Robbinsville, NJ 08691-1919
1-877-652-7624 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Statewide Respite Care Program: This program offers services to individuals needing care to provide a break (“respite”) to unpaid caregivers. Services can include adult day care, home care, companion services, campership, or a short stay in a facility. There is a caregiver directed option, which allows the caregiver to pay for/be reimbursed for services or items that make caregiving easier. Individuals eligible for this program must: live in the community and require daily, basic care that is currently being provided by unpaid caregivers such as a spouse, family members or friends; not participate in other services that provide this type of care; meet financial guidelines for income and assets. There may be a co-pay based on income. For more information, visit: www.state.nj.us/humanservices/doas/services/srcp/.

Family Support Organizations (FSO): Family-run, county-based organizations that provide direct family-to-family peer support, education, advocacy, and other services to family members of children with emotional and behavioral problems. To access services, contact your county FSO:

NJ 211 Informational & Referral Service: Communicate with a community resource specialist who has been educated about federal, state, and local systems created to help people who are struggling. Access to a resource database of over 8,800 community programs and services that assist people who need help with food, utilities, affordable housing, rental assistance, mental and physical health, substance use disorders, childcare, senior needs, legal assistance, transportation, disability services, etc. NJ 211 also serves as the State Homeless Hotline and New Jersey’s Utility Assistance Hotline. Services are free, confidential, and multilingual. For assistance 24 hours a day, every day of the year,

Phone – simply dial 2-1-1
Text – send your zip code to 898-211
Email – info@nj211.org

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